About Us and How we Started

I wanted to share about us and how we started. My background is mostly in retail. I worked for 20 years for Kaufmanns/Macys department stores. I started out as part time Christmas help then fell in love with it. I loved working with my customers. Talking with them, finding out what brought them into the store and helping them to meet their needs. I quickly worked my way up to managing different areas.When my children got a little older and started with after school activities I took a step down and became the store office manager to free up time to spend with my family. Meanwhile, I was helping my husband build his embroidery/silkscreen/promotional products company. He started it in our apartment back in 1995 with one embroidery machine and eventually grew it into what it is today. I remember spending one anniversary early on (before kids even) embroidering golf towels. I eventually left Macys to work full time with my husband running Buffalo Embroidery and Silkscreen.

Campfire Premiumscampfire logo

We had a friend- Paul Ellingson- who we met 12 years ago when we both were at a trade show. Paul became a good friend and we helped each other out from time to time. When Paul decided to sell his business it was our honor to take it over for him. So last November we bought Campfire Premiums. We had already been printing mugs and bottles ourselves so it was a natural fit for us.  I have spent the past few months building this website and attempting to build a social presence online. We have added over a hundred new products to Campfire. I have tried to contact all of Paul’s customers- many of whom he called friends- to introduce myself. Paul is still around- we talk occasionally still and he stops in now and then to answer questions or go to lunch.

We are starting to teach our children the business. Occasionally they come in to help stuff bottles or put lids on- you can see my son in our video below of us printing our bobcat.  I look forward to what the future brings us. I still love working with my customers and hope you will give me the opportunity to meet your needs.

Thank you for reading my first blog! Please let me know how I did.

Printing our Bobcat